



Ivan Ursul

Ivan Ursul


Seasoned software engineer. I've worked in many challenging projects. For now, I work as a part of Upwork engineering team. As a software engineer I do things in Java. Using Intelij products. A true fan of CI/CD. Truly believe, that nowadays machines cost less, than developers, that's why I'm always willing to automate everything. Because It works. And saves time. And money. Opensource commiter.

Dockerizing your apps

Preface As some of you may already know, from the last autumn-2015 I’m working as a software engineer in startup company called Upwork, in one of teams. From the time I started working there, I realized, that working on freelance basis is completely different from office work, even if you’re working on a good quality [...]

Ivan UrsulIvan Ursul