Passionate software engineer interested in different programming languages, pragmatic approaches and performance boost practices. Tech Blog


The state of Groovy and other JVM Languages

Orest IvasivOrest Ivasiv

Well, I like the Groovy language in general. This language has nice pragmatic applications and all other related “cookie”, but it looks like other languages, Scala especially, are more popular or trendy.


JVM language History (image created by zeroturnaround)

The actual motivation was based on the numbers provided by

Here we have the next numbers projects per language (on Github)

  • Golang — 352K
  • JavaScript — 232K
  • Ruby – 73K
  • Java — 44.5K
  • Python — 35.9K
  • Clojure — 11.2K
  • Scala — 10.1K
  • C — 5.29K
  • Haskell — 4.71K
  • Shell — 3.61K
  • Groovy — 729 (WTF? What? Why?)

I do not understand why Github has so few Groovy based projects. But, let’s double check these numbers.

About Groovy Language ecosystem

If somebody asks you about Groovy the next projects come up to your mind:

Can you name some other “popular” Groovy projects? Well, maybe awesome-groovy can help.

Language Trends


This language rating is very strange because it’s not aligned with other trends. But, it’s better to have it for comparison.

Groovy is 17 , Scala — 32. It’s strange result.

PYPL PopularitY of Programming Language


GitHut is an attempt to visualize and explore the complexity of the universe of programming languages used across the repositories hosted on GitHub.

Indeed Job Trends

Scala, Groovy, Clojure Job Trends — Absolute

Scala, Groovy, Clojure Job Trends — Realtive

Stackoverflow Developer Survey

Most Popular Technologies

More people use JavaScript than use any other programming language. PHP appears to be falling out of favor as Node and Angular emerge.

Most Loved, Dreaded, and Wanted

% of developers who are not developing with the language or tech but have expressed interest in developing with it

Top Paying Tech

Make it rain! Cloud technology pays big bucks. So does tech frequently used in finance. Spark, Scala, Cassandra, and F# top the list of the top paying technologies. (This year’s list looks a lot like last year’s list.)

Trends Summary

As you can see Groovy has some issues in popularity. I don’t understand why.

GitHub Repos Analysis

Let’s define some baseline for further analysis based on popular Java repos

Groovy Repos

Scala Repos

JVM Languages

Non-JVM Repos


You should make your own conclusion base on this data.

I don’t understand why Groovy is not in trend. But numbers show the general picture.

Looking forward for your thoughts



Passionate software engineer interested in different programming languages, pragmatic approaches and performance boost practices. Tech Blog